Embrace the child within you!

Embrace the child within you!


There is something I want to tell you

Go, embrace the child within you


It is okay to find happiness in the little things

So, what if occasionally you like to loosen up on the park swings


It is alright to love sweets and chocolates

In food, they are usually the favoured subjects


It is absolutely fine to laugh it out

Laughter is the best medicine and there is no doubt


It is good to be stress-free

After all, every lock comes with its key


It is wise to make humour part of your routine

To the cake of normalcy, it is your cream


It is reasonable to be silly at times

Trust me, it is not one of the major crimes


It is fine to just sit and daydream 

Soon, you will have many joining your team


At times, it is also okay to cry it out loud

Without worrying much about the crowd


You and your feelings matter

Remember as a child, how you were the attention seeker?


There is an underlying innocence in you

About which, you have no clue

I would propose, letting it come out

After all, the world needs to explore the humility route


Listening to your heart is never old-school

For a happy life, that is the perfect tool


The child inside you wants to live

Nothing but the freedom, you can give

Let him be the way he wants to be

There is no one to judge you see


He wishes to be spontaneous, joyful and kind

Don’t confine him within the chambers of your mind

Let him be,

And he will set you free


Now without further due

Please go, embrace that child within you

And let peace find you!

Yours truly,

A brainy adult & a hearty child



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