Meet LifePhrased!

Meet LifePhrased!

Meet LifePhrased!

Even before starting this blog, I’ve been asked by many about the name: “life phrased!” Why did I choose that? Is there a particular reason behind it or was it random? To be very honest, when I was going around looking for names, brainstorming and fetching ideas on the table, this is the name that held me. It unerringly portrays what this podium is all about. It is writing inspired from life, about life, wisdom gained through life, experiences of life, life itself after all, that is all we have, isn’t it?! At the end of the day, say to it fiction or non-fiction, yet it’s all related to life as it comes through our mental imaginations and heartily sentiments. So yeah, that is what life phrased is; a bit of my effort through my poetry, blogs and quotes to connect with you. Who knows, which phrase will get our paths crossed in this journey of life!



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