Tag: writing

Write & Read

Write & Read

It comes down to reading what you write Not about wrong or right But living the phrase That makes your…

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આપણે છે અંશ એના બ્રહ્માંડ આખું વસ્યું છે જેમાં માનસી +2

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Screaming Ink

Screaming Ink

Co-authored an insightful  piece of literature; the “Screaming Ink” anthology. Here is the link to it: https://www.amazon.in/SCREAMING-INK-PRATYAN-CHAKRABORTY/dp/B08S7JWTLP/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=screaming+ink&qid=1616017257&sr=8-1 +1

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Quote 3

Quote 3

“Trouble, Shiver, Tear But don’t let the fear takeover” Mansi 0

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Quote 2

Quote 2

“It is the mind that blocks laughter And blames heart for being sentimental” Mansi +1

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