World’s Little Hope

World’s Little Hope

We’ve all heard quotes about the importance of reading and perhaps even tried it for ourselves, but how often have we encouraged others to do so? It is convenient to recommend a book or make a big deal about reading, but what is not easy is to make provisions for the people to read. Hence, the story of Muskan, a fourteen-year-old girl who started a mini library fascinated me. She would set up a mattress outside her house and organize books for an hour every day after returning home from school. Children from the neighbourhood would gather around to read and engage in educational debates with one another, broadening their horizons. They didn’t do it because they were compelled to; rather, they were enthused to do so as they enjoyed reading and learning for that one hour.

Talking about Muskan, she does not come from a wealthy family, so she may not have a lot of resources, but as they say, where there’s a will, there’s a way. What could be more stirring than seeing a fourteen-year-old attempting to have such a noteworthy impact on the nation? We spend our lives wondering about how little we can do, but there are people like her who make the best of what they have. Her ambitions do not end with opening that small library; she hopes to create a larger one in the future. Now that the people are aware of her efforts, she is receiving support and books from all over the world. It is incredible to watch how the entire world is working to make one person’s dream a reality. After all, when a cause is so vibrant, everybody is bound to participate.

She pioneered a substantial cause of reading, learning, and education, which has the potential to influence the future of every individual, and ultimately the country as a whole. When a society is illiterate, it yields an excess of negative behaviours and becomes a victim of those bad habits. Since everyone deserves a better life, education is the ladder towards that goal; reading is the first step. In life, reading is as crucial as breathing, and the sooner we realize this, the better off we and everyone around us will be. Kudos to this young girl who pioneered such a great cause of reading among children.

True, that everyone may not have the time and resources to open a library, but if each of us decides to contribute a little towards the cause we truly believe in, it would certainly bring a progressive impact on our society’s advancement.



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